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Get Better News!

This summer I did a “News Diet” where I cut out news other than listening to the local news while getting our little boys breakfast ready. I didn’t actively seek out news but let it come to me by people bringing it up. I felt much better and was not worried about keeping up with the 24/7 news cycle. I also realized that news is not really what is going on but more “infotainment”. That all said, now that it is “back to school” I am paying attention to the news again, but I control where I get it from. 

The Dad Hacks that came out of my experiment

  • Front page of the WallStreet Journal: One of the oldest Dad Hacks I know… meaning my father shared it with me when I was growing up. If you have 30 seconds and are near a news stand or in line at Starbucks, read the front left panel of the WSJ. 

  • Seek out email news digests. There are HUNDREDS of digests out there, find one or two and subscribe. Make sure you like the content and the timing of when it is delivered. A few i have used are The Skimm and Morning Brew.

  • Listen to it: Like I discussed in a prior post, I use a podcasting app called Overcast. Overcast allows you to make a “smart playlist” that updates based on new podcasts that are released. So on my way to drop off my son at daycare, I can just hit play on my “News” smart playlist and hear the podcasts I have added to the list. 

  • Podcasts: I have listened to dozens of news podcasts. I have found that the NPR Up First Podcast (no longer than 10 mins) is a great overview of the top few stories you should now about and a great way to start the day. After that, I listen to The Daily by the New York times. The Daily is one relevant story that is extremely well researched and presented in a straightforward fashion.

  • CBS Your world in 90 seconds. WATCH today's Eye Opener: If you have to watch any “infotainment” I find this to be the most informative minute and a half.

By simplifying my flow of news, I have allowed myself to focus on more of what matters and less on what doesn’t. 

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If it takes less than 30 seconds, do it now!

If it takes less than 30 seconds, do it now!

Dad Hack: Just listen to it!

Dad Hack: Just listen to it!