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Dad Hacks: Clean Up Your Act! The Konmarie method

Dad Hacks: Clean Up Your Act! The Konmarie method


Opened my garage door the other day and found a pile of moving boxes that have have been through 3 moves... this, combined with the constant “encouragement” from my wife to go old my old stuff, I decided to clean up my act and listen to the book by Marie Kondo “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up.”

This book is great and tough me a lot about cleaning up and keeping thing tidy. If you cannot read the book, check put one of the many summaries on line. 

After 3 trips to a thrift store and 4 large trash cans, I am still working on purging, but have made substantial improvements and have begun the cleaning (against Marie’s recommendations). 

The biggest take away I got was that you should ask yourself “Does this spark joy?” for everything around you.  I found that this helped me get rid of a lot of things that I kept simply because someone gave it to me. 

The Weird result of tidying up: you clean up other areas of your life. This includes emails, documents, refrigerator, office, desk, MP3s, college mix cds (example “Awesome Mix #3” from my sophomore year in college).

Dad Hack: put the cell phone down!

Dad Hack: put the cell phone down!

Dad Hacks: Back in a Work Out Groove

Dad Hacks: Back in a Work Out Groove