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Air travel with an 11 month old: Happy Holidaze...

Air travel with an 11 month old: Happy Holidaze...

For Thanksgiving this year, we decided to visit my parents in Southern Florida. Clearly, this involves more than just a 2.5 hour flight... it also brings with it:

  1. Packing clothing for 3 and food and toys for the kid
  2. Travel to the airport
  3. Navigating security
  4. Waiting at the gate
  5. The flight
  6. Collecting bags
  7. Finding our ride
  8. Drive to final destination

All this while trying to stay in the holiday spirit and enjoy time with my wife and baby.

Given all this, I would say we had an incredibly successful trip and minimized judgmental looks and glares from other passengers, and minimized our own stress with a simple hack: Do not try to win parent of the year and just bribe your child.

I found this hack after straw poling a number of parents who had traveled with babies of all ages.

We had flown with G before when he was 8 months old, and it was not big deal, thanks to a bottle at takeoff and landing and sleep in between. Since then, he has become MUCH more active and inquisitive. (One friend of mine said that between 9 and 18 months it is extremely hard to travel with kids)

How we used this hack: We stuck with the bottle at takeoff and landing (although he finished the bottle in both cases while the plane was taxiing). We were also prepared with iPhone 7+s loaded with visual games, extra bottles, water cups, and snacks (our favorite is Annie's Cheddar Bunnies)

The iPhone 7+ is good versus an iPad as it is easier for G to manage on his own. Games we found to be good included Fish School, Magic Fingers Lite, and Baby Shark.
While the hack seems simple, it was a giant success, and made our trip not only bearable but also enjoyable!

What are your favorite traveling with children hacks?


From Husband to Father: a year in retrospect

From Husband to Father: a year in retrospect

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